Wednesday, June 8, 2011

2011 Term 2 Reflections

I feel that term 2 was the hardest term. We learnt more about chemistry and physics. The topics we learnt were total internal reflection, refraction, chemical symbol and equations and acid and bases. I feel that chemical symbol and equations were the hardest. I had difficulties understanding them. It requires me to practice and memorize a lot to be able to understand. Acid and bases was quite challenging to me as there is quite a lot of things needed to be memorized like Acid + Base -> Salt + Water and Acid + Metal -> Salt + Hydrogen. As for reflection and refraction, I also had some difficulties understanding them especially drawing ray diagrams on the effects of refraction but after much practices, I managed to understand most of the concepts. I scored quite badly for this term test. It was because I was not able to understand the chemistry component. I guess this means that I need to work harder on that part. :'(

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